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New updates to the site!

whodiniz | February 12, 2024

I got my mojo back. Beats for sale are now available on the front page, I will be updating this weekly and adding more offerings. Beats are available in two types, MP3 and WAV to be used by Mc’s or background music for tik tok or YouTube and can be […]


Power 11:11

whodiniz | June 11, 2022

Power 11:11 Power to the people. The quest of life. To peace of mind. Enjoying the joys and learning from the past. Good times to be had always. Get your power in shape.


Whodiniz – Jump on it!

whodiniz | June 9, 2022

Play this for yo girl.

MoodmusicNew musicNFT

Whodiniz NFT Gallery

whodiniz | May 26, 2022

Whodiniz VR NFT gallery maybe I’ll see you in there. Showcasing my latest NFT’s on #opensea #NFTCommunity It works on the phone. Desktop and in VR, for the mobile Version, you need to download the app from the App Store #NFT #NFTCommmunity #NFTProjects #NFTartists.

This area can contain widgets, menus, shortcodes and custom content. You can manage it from the Customizer, in the Second layer section.


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