Whodiniz | Turn the party out
Turn the party out party tune for you and yours, just giving you them straight after I make em Turn the party out by Whodiniz
Turn the party out party tune for you and yours, just giving you them straight after I make em Turn the party out by Whodiniz
The music vibe Originator mix Nice little alternative mix to my grand design, hope you like it. Peace The music vibe Originator mix by Whodiniz
I wanted to dance today, i wanted to move, i wanted to groove, and I felt it in this track after i made it, yes i gave birth to it, and now it is doing well making people dance, positive vibes, thats what its all about. Peace! The music vibe […]
Good music, good times! The real deal, the same deal, keep running… maybe you’ll find it one day. Peace! open.spotify.com/playlist/2fUJJZZfMTO3ANlj2WQh5c
So everybody can hear what I have to say, music speaks volumes. And the message that I am trying to relay, is, stay positive, don’t focus on the past or the future. Make this moment your beat moment. And live it to the fullest! youtube.com/watch
Your doing great… Or so they tell me, stay on the path they say. Focus and execute, music is so overwhelmingly vast, but you cand find me near the beeach! Lol have fun with this one, getting back into the vibe of making beats, knew it would come back, just […]
Some of these beat were started off on my Nintendo, then moved on to more power and features, Love how the whole thing came out, I do go through these journeys through music, mainly coming from the imense amout of music i listen to. i think i put a touch […]
The Kawa$aki Mix, These are the latest beats I’ve been making, some yes, made on the Nintendo Switch, man loving this shit, and feeling very blessed to bring this music to you. hope you enjoy it. Peace from Whoodz.
https://www.whodiniz.com/nfts/ This journey, of finding NFT’s, has been real, and now discovering how to create my own has definitely been an eye opener. Enjoying every moment of it. Definitely got my creative juices flowing. Good times. Good friends makes the process much easier big shout to the guys at NFTFM […]